The Ahoda Foundation
taking responsibility for the wellfare
of children and less
privilaged people all over africa
Many children all over Africa are displaced, hungry, ridicled with
sickness and unable to access basic amenities that you and I
With a little effort, you and I can make a great difference in the
lives of these children.

Access to Clean Water
Many sicknesses like cholera can be avoided if these children have access to clean water. We will not just be giving them a few bottles of water but instead we will build them a source where they can easily get clean water when ever they want it.
Access to Food
Did you know? With as little as $5 you can make sure a child is fed for a day? We can reach as many children as possible if we work together.
Access to Shelter
The AHODA foundation is particular about helping children have a place they can call home or at least somewhere they can always go back to at the end of the day. The home is decent and the carers are trained to care for these children.
Access to Education
From books to your willingness to teach children online or offline. Be the reason a child grows up knowing how to read and write. You could be raising the next big scholar!

Access to Medical Care
Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros.

Access to Appropraite Clothing
Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros.